Extention of the HOKLAS accredited physical test items

– Tensile test of un/machined blots and screw, in accordance with BS EN ISO 898-1 Cl. 9.2 , 9.7 – Proof load test of unmachined blots and screw, in accordance with BS EN ISO 898-1 Cl. 9.6 – Loading test of gully tops and manhole tops, in accordance with BS EN 124-1 – Mass determination … Read more

Reinstatement of HOKLAS accredited environmental test Items

[Tap Water / Water and wastewater] Microbiological tests: Total Coliform DoE (1983) The Bacteriological Examination of Drinking Water Supplies, 1982 (Membrane Filtration Procedure: Section 7.8 and; Bacterial Confirmation: Section Faecal Coliform DoE (1983) The Bacteriological Examination of Drinking Water Supplies, 1982 (Membrane Filtration Procedure: Section 7.8 and; Bacterial Confirmation: Section E. … Read more

New Chemical Test Item

QTC newly developed test item:– Total sulfur content of dieselTotal sulfur content of diesel, in accordance with ASTM D2622-16. The test has been accredited by HOKLAS, and complies with the test requirement of EPD for Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel. – On site non-destructive testOn site non-destructive test of Pb content of solder alloys, and Cr, … Read more

Laboratories accredited for testing lead, cadmium, chromium and nickel in water with all reporting limits meeting the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline values

New Item of test implement at November 2016 such as Chemical Analysis of WaterScope of AccreditationNow provide testing lead, cadmium, chromium and nickel in water with all reporting limits meeting the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline values.